Manuals are located in the port cabinet main salon.
VHF Radio
The VHF radio (ICOM 504) is located at the cabin Nav Station. A remote control for the VHF
radio (ICOM COMMANDMIC III) is located at the helm (stored in the port cabinet, main salon).
Both units are equipped with DSC in which will broadcast the exact location of the Surprise. Use
of DCS is for emergencies only.
To operate the VHF radio, turn on switch on the DC distribution panel, and then turn on the
Monitor channel 16 button, the emergency/hailing channel, at all times.
Press channel 1
thru 4 or WX button to listen to the weather report.
Command & Navigation Equipment
The command & navigation equipment includes:
One steering station at aft cockpit helm.
Compass: Plastimo, magnetic, 5-inch.
Auto Pilot: Raymarine ST8001.
Multifunction plotters: Raymarine C90W at helm. Additional C90W at Nav station.
Fathometer: Raymarine ST60.
Depth sounder is digital by Raymarine.
Anemometer is digital by Raymarine.
Wind Direction: Raymarine and Windex.
Radar: RD418D 4KW Digital Radome, integrated with multifunction plotters.
AIS-1000 Class B “Send and Receive” AIS Transponder.
Remember you are not allowed to travel in FOG or in serious wind conditions.
PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTION for each piece of equipment located in the cabinet below the
TV in the port-side of the galley. Turn on the power at the Nav station and follow the
Instructions carefully. Do not operate the equipment without reading the detailed instructions.
Do not operate the boat at night or in the fog – anchor if at all possible.
Note: Electronics
AutoPilot switches must be on. Turn both plotter on even if only using
NOTE: The view on the radar screen will be as if you are looking forward – even though it is
mounted so you are looking aft.