Before taking a SHOWER, make sure water pressure and shower sump breakers are on
Turn on the shower drain switch on the DC panel. To drain the shower water, hold in the black
button-type switch in the head (there is a filter in the shower sump line under the sink that may
need to be cleaned if the sum quits pumping).
To conserve water, and make sure you have hot water when needed, take only very short “boat”
showers (turning off water between soaping up and rinsing). Please keep shower tidy: always wipe
down the shower stall & floor and b
e sure to wipe down the head after showering
Check for
accumulation of hair in the shower and sink drains (dispose in trash container).
Propane Oven and Cooktop
The boat is equipped with a low-pressure propane system for cooking.
To operate:
Turn on the Gas Control Switch on the 12-volt distribution panel.
Then turn on the gas valve in the propane locker in the aft port lazarette.
While lighting the burner, keep the desired knob depressed on the oven or stovetop for
20 seconds before releasing it – this allows the burner to preheat and stay lit.
Make sure to
switch off the Gas Control Switch
when not cooking.
Turn off
the propane tank in the aft port lazarette
when not cooking
Note: There is NO pilot for the oven.
There is a small Sharp microwave located on the galley countertop. Use the microwave
ONLY when
plugged into shore power. Its power demands are such that it will rapidly deplete the batteries
if used with the inverter.
The refrigeration operates on 12-volt DC power. Monitor the use of the refrigerator when the
engines are not charging the 12-volt battery system, or when you are not hooked up to shore