Revision 1.3, 22-Jul-2009
Page 5 of 12
The SSI tab
By selecting the SSI (serial protocol for AS5040, AS5140, AS5043, AS5143, AS5045, AS5145A/B) tab, the real time
information of the angular position and the status bits are displayed. See figure 4.
Figure 5: SSI tab, shows the SSI bus data of the selected encoder
is the Angle data [D11:D0] from the RD_ANGLE (Read Angle) serial command. This value is continuously
Zero Pos.
value represents the Zero Position register. By clicking on the Set button, the actual angle
“Value” is written into the Zero Position register. Clicking on Reset writes the value 0 to the Zero Position register.
Magnetic Range Warning
is continuously read from the RD_ANGLE serial command.
Green lamp: Magnet in range
Orange lamp: Magnet too far or too close. MagINC and MagDEC are set.
Red lamp: Magnet too far or too close, angle value is invalid and LIN bit is set.
The red lamp is available only when OTP MagCompEN=1, available from the OTP tab.
Status bits information
is taken from the serial stream.
Read Interval
can be modified from 10 ms (fastest) to 1 s (slowest).
Magnet angle value
0 to 359.9°
Magnet range warning:
- Green: magnet in Range
- Orange: magnet too close or too far
- Red: magnet to close or too far, data
invalid (if MagCompEN = 1 only)
Angle register value:
Zero position register access:
- Button SET: Sets the current angle
as the 0° angle
- Button RESET: resets the Zero
Position register to 0 (default)
Angle value:
12 bit absolute position: 0 to 4095
Not used
(dual die encoders only)
Status bits information
Set counter clockwise
Display update rate.
The readout speed can be adjusted
from 10ms to 1s