REV 5.0
The following section describes the procedures for checking the operation of your diver
communicator, general maintenance procedures, and how to troubleshoot common problems.
This procedure checks the communicator functions in the Full Duplex (4-Wire) mode.
1. Set all volume controls to the mid-scale (halfway) position.
2. Turn the SPEAKER SWITCH off to avoid acoustic feedback.
3. Turn on the communicator and verify the BATTERY CONDITION INDICATOR is on
or blinking. If the LED does not come on at all, then replace or recharge the battery. If
that does not resolve the problem, then go to the troubleshooting section to
determine the cause.
4. Identify the microphone and headset leads. When using an Amron headset, the
microphone is the red banana plug and the headset is the black banana plug.
5. Plug the microphone lead into the TENDER MICROPHONE (red) jack and the
headset lead into the TENDER HEADSET (black) jack.
6. Don the headset and talk into the microphone. You should be able to hear yourself in
the headset. Adjust the DIVER TO TENDER VOLUME control and verify the level
can be adjusted to a comfortable level.
7. Move the headset microphone lead to the DIVER MICROPHONE (red) jack. Talk into
the microphone. You should be able to hear yourself in the headset. Adjust the
DIVER TO TENDER VOLUME control and verify that the level can be adjusted to a
comfortable level.
8. Move the headset lead to the DIVER EARPHONE (black) jack. Talk into the
microphone. You should be able to hear yourself in the headset.
9. This completes the check of the Full Duplex (4-Wire) function of the communicator. If
at any point in the test you were not able to hear yourself in the headset as indicated
by the test, refer to the troubleshooting section to determine the cause.
This procedure checks the communicator functions in the 2-Wire mode.
1. Set all the volume controls to the mid-scale (halfway) position.
2. Turn the SPEAKER SWITCH off to avoid acoustic feedback.
3. Turn on the communicator and verify the BATTERY CONDITION INDICATOR is on
or blinking. If the LED does not come on at all, then replace or recharge the battery. If
that does not resolve the problem, then go to the troubleshooting section to
determine the cause.