REV 3.0
marked FH1 and is a cylindrical component. Verify that the fuse is good by
checking the continuity with a multi-meter. If the fuse is open, replace with the
same type: 3.15 Amp, 250V, Fast Acting. Close the lid; re-install the screws and re-
test the communicator. If the communicator still appears dead, contact Amron per
section 2.2 for further assistance.
Low Volume
Check the volume control settings and adjust if necessary. Check the diver
connections and verify that the diver and tender are connected as intended. Verify
the wires and connector are clean and tight (see section 5.3.1 for additional
information). Check the BATTERY CONDITION INDICATOR and/or AC power
connection. If the problem persists, disconnect the diver umbilical and perform the
communicator check out procedure per section 6.1. If the communicator fails the
check-out procedure, contact Amron per section 2.2 for further assistance.
If the communicator checks out, then the problem is likely in either the diver
umbilical communication cable, the wiring of the diving hat/helmet or the diver's
Garbled Voice To The Diver
The TENDER TO DIVER VOLUME control is set too high. Reduce this control until
the voice signal clears. If this does not solve the problem, check the diver's
earphone for corrosion or other defect. Replace if necessary. If the tender is using
a headset, remove the headset and communicate to the diver by pressing the
PUSH-TO-TALK BUTTON and talking into the PANEL SPEAKER. If this solves the
problem then the tender headset may be wet or defective. If the tender is using the
PANEL SPEAKER to talk to the diver, check the speaker for any accumulated
water. Drain the speaker if necessary. If these steps do not solve the problem then
disconnect the diver umbilical and perform the communicator check out procedure
per section 6.1. If the communicator fails the check-out procedure, contact Amron
per section 2.2 for further assistance. If the communicator checks out, then the
problem is likely in the diver umbilical communication cable. If possible, substitute a
known good cable to verify
Garbled Voice To The Tender
The DIVER TO TENDER VOLUME control is set too high. Reduce this control until
the voice signal clears. If this does not solve the problem, check the diver's
microphone for corrosion or other defect. Replace if necessary. If the tender is
using a headset, remove the headset and listen to the diver using the PANEL
SPEAKER. If this solves the problem then the tender headset may be wet or
defective. If the tender is using the PANEL SPEAKER to talk to the diver, check the
speaker for any accumulated water. Drain the speaker if necessary. If these steps
have not solved the problem, then disconnect the diver umbilical and perform the
communicator check out procedure per section 6.1. If the communicator fails the
check-out procedure, contact Amron per section 2.2 for further assistance. If the
communicator checks out, then the problem is likely in the diver umbilical
communication cable. If possible, substitute a known good cable to verify.