REV 3.0
Most problems are usually simple issues that can often be found by careful inspection of the
diver communicator, diving umbilical, and diver helmet wiring. The following section will
describe the troubleshooting procedure for several common issues. If these sections do not
cover your particular issue, it is recommended that the diving umbilical be disconnected from
the diver communicator and the check-out procedures in section 6.1 be conducted. If the
diver communicator passes the check-out procedures then the issue is most likely in the
umbilical connections, the umbilical itself, or the wiring of the diver's hat/helmet
Connection Issues
Most diver communicator problems are caused by bad connections. Making good
connections will result in years of good communications. For longer life, all
connections should be soldered and copper wire must be tinned. It is strongly
suggested that dual banana plugs be used topside to provide convenient and
secure connections.
All cable splices must be soldered. Splices should be staggered and covered with
shrink tubing (preferably shrink tubing with an adhesive sealant) and a general
splice cover to protect the connections. Potting the splices to create a reliable
splice is preferred but not necessary to create a reliable splice. A great number of
problems are very simple failures and can often be found by a very careful and
close inspection of the unit or system. Logical deductions and equipment familiarity
can often reduce the suspected area to just one component or circuit. Often upon
examination, clues are revealed which can also aid in locating and correcting the
problem. Visual inspections should include checking all screws for tightness, all
solder joints for correctness, broken parts, corrosion, electrolysis, foreign material,
check connectors for proper insertion and alignment. Check to see that unit is
turned on, speaker on.
Low Battery Indication
The BATTERY CONDITION INDICATOR indicates the battery level or state-of-
charge by monitoring the battery voltage. It is recommended that the 2825R/24 be
recharged for at least 10 hours if the BATTERY CONDITION INDICATOR is low or
bad. If the BATTERY CONDITION INDICATOR indicates a low (blinking LED) or
bad (off LED) after charging, then either the battery is bad and needs to be
replaced or the charger has malfunctioned.
Unit Not Operating
The most common reason that a diver communicator appears to be dead when the
POWER SWITCH and SPEAKER SWITCH are turned on is a bad battery or loose
AC connection.
If the battery and AC connections appear good and the communicator fails the
check-out procedure, then remove the screws holding the lid. Verify that the
connectors on the Printed Circuit Assembly (PCA) are firmly seated. Check that the
wire harnesses are soldered to the various connectors, controls, and speaker.
There should be no loose wires in the system. Remove the fuse from the PCA. It is