Sounder Beacon Base
The Discovery Sounder Beacon Base is a multifunctional device
comprising a mounting base for Discovery fire detectors, a sounder,
a beacon and a short-circuit isolator.
The Discovery Sounder Beacon Base is used to provide audible and
visual warning of fire and is controlled by the fire control panel by
means of the Discovery protocol. The particular features of this base
are available only when it is being controlled by the full Discovery
protocol with the panel programmed accordingly. Information on
features should be requested from the panel manufacturer.
The Discovery Sounder Beacon Base can be used with a detector
fitted or with a cap for operation as a stand-alone alarm device.
The right tone for your installation
The Discovery Sounder Beacon Base offers a choice of 15 evacuation tones, including a standard
evacuation tone. One of these tones is selected during commissioning in order to suit local regulations or
customs. The tones include those required by Dutch, Swedish, German, Australian, New Zealand and North
American standards as well as the UK. Whichever evacuation tone is selected there is a secondary tone
which may be used for alerting or warning of a possible evacuation.
The right level of sound
The sounder is set during commissioning to one of 7 levels of sound, the highest level being nominally
90dB(A). At 60dB(A) the lowest level falls outside the scope of the standard, EN54. It has been included to
provide a very local warning for the use of personnel in particular environments, such as nurse stations in
Flexibility of group addressing
In many installations a fire alarm must be raised by switching more than one sounder beacon to alert or
alarm simultaneously. This is achieved with Discovery Sounder Beacon Bases by assigning devices to
groups on commissioning, with the group information being stored in each device. One command will then
switch all devices in the group.
Sounder, beacon or both
The Discovery Sounder Beacon Base normally switches both sounder and beacon to provide an alert or
evacuation signal. The sounder and beacon of the Discovery Sounder Beacon Base can, however, be
switched independently of each other by the control panel.
Location-specific volume setting
Detectors and sounder beacons are installed in many different types of environment. When configuring the
Discovery Sounder Beacon Base, the adjustment of volume can be done at the point of installation. The
commissioning engineer simply sets the control panel to ‘Setup’ and then walks from one device to the next
to set the required volume, using a magnetic wand, part no 29650-001.
When all devices have been set the control panel is used to register all the individual volume settings.