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System Controls & Indicators
The front panel has fourteen push button controls, a key switch and an alpha numeric keypad.
Controls, Normal
– Enabled (Key Switch)
= OFF, = ON
If the key switch is in the OFF position (access level 1), then the OVERRIDE, PREVIOUS, NEXT,
SILENCE BUZZER and LAMP TEST controls are active.
If the key switch is in the ON position (access level 2), then the SILENCE RESOUND, RESET,
EVACUATE and MENU ENTER controls are also active.
The key switch is optional. If the key switch is not used, then a pass-code is entered (using the alpha
numeric keys) to gain access to level 2 or 3.
Keys, when pressed, will present an audible feedback “beep” to the user.
Delay Active / Override
Available at access level 1 and above
Delay Active
– Indicator is illuminated steady when one or more zones are configured
with Investigation delays and Delay Mode is active. The indicator will flash if any Investigation delay
timer is running.
If the override control or evacuate control is activated while the investigation delay timer is running,
then the indicator will go steady and the investigation zone enters the fire condition.
The indicator will only be OFF if:
The Delay Mode is OFF
No investigation delays are configured
The panel has switched to day or night mode where no delays have been configured.
– Momentary push button. - (EN54-2:1997, clause 7.11), When Delay Mode is ON and one
or more zones configured with investigation delays have their delay timer running, activating the
OVERRIDE control overrides the investigation delay timer allowing the zone or zones to enter the
fire condition immediately.
Alarm - Silence / Resound Alarms
Available at access level 2 and above
– The indicator is lit when the sounders configured to be silence-able have been
silenced in response to any activation sources, indicating the resound function is active.
Silence Resound
– Momentary push button. Used to silence any alarm devices and resound them
by way of a “Toggle” function if the ALARMS indicator is illuminated. Only alarm devices configured
with the silence-able attribute set shall respond to silence/resound. Silenced alarm devices shall
automatically resound on the occurrence of a new fire event.
Pre-Alarm / Previous
Available at access level 1 and above