1: Introduction
MPEG4000-D4 Hardware Reference Manual
© 2011 Advanced Micro Peripherals
Document version A.01
and the ability to use up to 64 levels of alpha-blending between the graphics data
and input video source.
Note: There is no overlay functionality for the host VGA controller preview path.
otion Detection and Event Triggers
The MPEG4000-D4 supports automatic motion detection on a per channel basis.
The ‘sensitivity’ of the motion detection can be set independently per channel.
Each channel supports 330 (NTSC) or 396 (PAL) detection blocks.
Using the motion-detection feature, the MPEG4000-D4 can be operated in a
‘baby-sitting’ mode where recording is committed to disk only when scene motion
event is detected, to make most efficient use of disk storage.
Software for the MPEG4000-D4 allows recording of pre-trigger, on-trigger and
post-trigger events.
Host interface
The MPEG4000-D4 has a full 32-bit PC/104
(PCI Rev 2.1) 3.3v host interface
to the host computer. On board jumpers allow the MPEG4000-D4 to be configured
for any of the 4 logical PC/104
stack levels of the host computer.