MVP30 Operators
’ Guide
AML Oceanographic Ltd.
1. Turn the Hand/Off/Auto switch to Hand mode. Retrieving the tow fish should be done at a
vessel speed of approximately three knots.
2. Recover cable with the remote pendant until the tow fish is near the stern of the vessel and
close to the water surface. Remember that the Inner Sheave limit switch circuit will trigger if
the messenger is recovered into the Inner Sheave. The inner sheave limit switch detection
can be bypassed by holding in the Inner Sheave Reset button as the messenger passes the
Inner Sheave.
3. Grab the tow cable and pull the fish up, grabbing the top of the bridle when it can be
reached. Bring the fish onboard and stow.
4. To shut down the system, turn the Hand/Off/Auto switch to OFF.
5. Turn OFF the main power switch on the side of the Control Box and the main power switch
on the Controller Interface Box.
1. At the winch, turn the Main Power switch on the side of the Control box to ON.
2. Verify the power lamp is illuminated green and the ESTOP lamp is illuminated red.
3. Push the Inner Sheave Reset button and verify the ESTOP lamp goes out (if not, the
messenger may be under the Inner Sheave limit switch or there is an issue with the
inner sheave limit switch circuit).
4. Turn the Hand/Off/Auto switch to Hand mode and wait approximately five seconds
before operating the remote pendant.
5. Operate the remote pendant to deploy the tow fish over the side of the vessel. Keep the
Inner Sheave Reset button pushed in when deploying the fish, this will override the
messengers as they come off the drum and trip the Inner Sheave limit switch. If the Inner
Sheave Reset button is not pushed in when deploying, the messengers will trip the inner
sheave limit switch and halt operations.
6. Verify the tow fish is tail down when deploying the fish and confirm that the tow fish is
nose forward when it enters below the water surface.
7. Continue to winch OUT cable until the two Dock messengers that are installed for the
vessel survey speed can be seen deployed outside the Outer Sheave.
8. Winch IN cable until one of the two messengers is positioned between the Inner and
Outer Sheaves and the other messenger is positioned outside the Outer Sheave; the
tow fish is now in the
’towed’ position.