3.3.4 MAC Control
MAC Address Control allows you to assign different access right for different users and to assign a
specific IP address to a certain MAC address.
MAC Address Control
: Check “Enable” to enable the “MAC Address Control”. All of the
settings in this page will take effect only when “Enable” is checked.
Connection control
: Check "Connection control" to enable the controlling of which wired
and wireless clients can connect with this device. If a client is denied to connect with this
device, it means the client can't access to the Internet either. Choose "allow" or "deny" to
allow or deny the clients, whose MAC addresses are not in the "Control table" (please see
below), to connect with this device.
Association control
: Check "Association control" to enable the controlling of which
wireless client can associate to the wireless LAN. If a client is denied to associate to the
wireless LAN, it means the client can't send or receive any data via this device. Choose
"allow" or "deny" to allow or deny the clients, whose MAC addresses are not in the
"Control table", to associate to the wireless LAN.
Click on “Save” to store your settings or click “Undo” to give up the changes.