Retrofit / pre-skimmed plasterboard
Patch plastered finish
Alignment and plastering preparation
BackboxCV alignment required for plastering
After removing a 30-50mm (3/16 - 2”) wide
section of existing plaster surrounding the cut
out, the front face of the speaker should be
flush with the paper face of the plasterboard,
if the BackboxCV has been fitted correctly.
This method positions the speaker to be
patch plastered with a 2mm (5/64”) skim
across the speaker front, blended with the
existing plaster on the plasterboard.
Amina recommend British Gypsum Easi-fill®
which allows a smooth accurate finish using
fine sandpaper or a wet sponge.
For walls /ceilings that have already been
3/16 - 2”
sand down to
create taper
existing plaster
remove existing
plaster from