Should any instability occur, the Model 410-412 is equipped with an adjustable damping
circuit. Refer to the Troubleshooting Section VII for more information.
System Test
Prior to connecting the power supply cables to the magnet current leads, it may be desired
to preset your magnet controller current limit to the current that corresponds to the rated
central field (i.e. rated current) and check to ensure the controller operates properly. The
first time you use the programmer it is best to test the system on a short circuit rather than
a magnet. This can be done as follows:
a. Ensure the magnet power supply is de-energized and short the output leads from the
power supply together securely.
If you have an energy absorber in your system you will
short the output leads of the energy absorber instead of the power
b. Ensure the key operated PERSISTENCE SWITCH HEATER switch is OFF.
c. Set the VARIABLE ramp rate potentiometer on 10 and the current control switch in
the DOWN position.
d. Set the CURRENT LIMIT potentiometer to the rated current as indicated on you AMI
magnet data sheet.
e. Turn on power to the magnet programmer.
f. Turn on power to the power supply.
g. Place the CURRENT CONTROL switch to the UP position. The current indication
should rapidly increase to the approximate rated current.
h. Adjust the current to the specified value by fine tuning the CURRENT LIMIT
potentiometer. The current limit is now set and you are assured the power
supply/magnet programmer is working properly.
i. Place the CURRENT CONTROL switch to the DOWN position to ramp the current to
j. Turn off power to power supply and then to the magnet programmer.
Always energize the programmer first, then the
power supply upon system startup and always deenergize the
programmer last on system shutdown to allow the programmer to
always have control of the system. Not doing so could result in
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