User Manual - Rev AV
AMETEK Programmable Power
MX Series
9.5 Option
413: IEC 61000-4-13 Interharmonics Test
9.5.1 General
The IEC413 option is capable of performing IEC 61000-4 section 13 Harmonics and inter
harmonics low frequency immunity tests. The tests are based on IEC 61000-4-13:2002-03, First
Edition. It is assumed that the user has a copy of the test standard available. This manual
section only covers operation of the
413 option from the front-panel of the MX Series power
Note 1:
The initial release of the
413 option for the MX Series power sources was based on a
draft version (CDV) of the IEC 61000-4-13 standard. Minor changes were made between the
CDV draft and the final released version. Units with firmware revision 0.31 or higher conform to
the official released IEC standard. Units with older firmware conform to the draft version. A
upgrade can be ordered through AMETEK Programmable Power’s service department
by contacting
and requesting part number CIC637. Provide
the model and serial number of the unit (master unit in multi-box systems) to ensure the correct
firmware is provided. The firmware revision is displayed on the LCD screen immediately after
power up for a few seconds. It can also be queried over the bus using the “*IDN?” command.
Where relevant, the requirement for the correct firmware revision to obtain specific test modes is
indicated in this manual.
Note 2:
413 option is only available on MX45-3Pi Series AC power sources, not MX45-1 or
MX45-3 Series as it requires arbitrary waveform capability.
9.5.2 Initial Setup
The user must set the operating voltage and close the output relay prior to the start of test. The
following set of parameters must be set before the start of test.
1. Frequency to 50 or 60 Hz.
2. Voltage mode to AC.
3. Waveform to sine wave.
9.5.3 Tests Performed
The IEC1000-4-13 test consists of several types of tests. These tests can be run individually or
in sequence (ALL). The following tests are available:
1. Harmonic combination test flat curve and over swing.
2. Sweep in frequency and resonance frequency detection.
3. Individual
harmonics and inter harmonics.
4. Meister curve test (Firmware revision 0.31 or higher required)