User Guide
Landcal Blackbody Source
Type R1200P
Page 15
8.4 Safety Testing of Sources
1) After examination/repair, the source should always be safety tested before
it is used for the routine calibration of thermometers. This safety testing
should be carried out by a competent engineer. The results of the tests
should be recorded.
2) Full Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is not carried out on this source
because some of the tests (such as flash tests) can damage semi-
conductor components.
3) When the source is cold, carry out earth continuity checks. Check live
to earth and neutral to earth. No continuity is expected. The measured
resistance should be greater than 1Mohm.
4) Follow the earth continuity check with a function check. Switch on, set the
temperature control to mid-scale. Monitor the rise in temperature. When
the set point is reached, ensure that the source controls. Adjust the set
point to the maximum temperature. Ensure that the source controls when
the set point is reached.
8.5 Storage and carrying case
A custom built aluminium storage and transportation case is available as an
optional extra. Use of this case is recommended when:
The source is not in use.
The source is hand carried to site.
The source is carried to site in a motor car. Care should be exercised to
ensure that the case is held firmly and does not move around excessively.
The source is transported in an aircraft.
For additional protection of the source when transported in an
aircraft, the case should always be packed in a thick cardboard
carton with sufficient insulation material between the case and
carton to absorb vibration and mishandling that may be experienced
with airfreight transportation.
8.6 UKAS certification
To continue to carry out calibration checks which are traceable to National
Standards, it will be necessary to obtain a Certificate of Calibration for either the
furnace or standard radiation thermometer. UKAS Certification is available from
LAND as an optional extra. Depending on usage the source and/or thermometer
should be returned every 1 to 3 years for re-certification.