0 Radar Level Instrument
Application Range:
Distance, level, volume measurement of liquids, pastes, slurries,
in storage tanks, in still-pipes or reference chamber.
Operating mode/
FMCW radar in the X band (8.5 to 9.9 GHz) with digital signal
processing; compact device, modular design.
Measured quantities
Primary quantity: distance, derived quantities: level, volume
Measuring range
Minimum tank height: 1.6 feet (0.5 m).
Maximum measuring range: 66 feet (20 m).
Block distance
Minimum 0.7 to 1.6 feet (0.2 to 0.5 m).
Rate of change in level
Less than 33 feet/minute (less than 10 m/minute).
2-wire connection
passive (current sink); Intrinsically safe, Class 1 Div. 1 and 2; EEx-ia.
Current range:
4 to 20 mA (error: 3.6/22 mA).
Accuracy/linearity: 0.1 % (rel. 20 mA; /68°F [20°C]).
Temperature drift:
less than 150 ppm/K (typically 50 ppm/K).
Power supply:
greater than17 V (I = 4 mA);
greater than13 V (I = 20 mA) maximum 30 V.
Failure signal
Current output:
error signal 3.6/22 mA, plain text in local display.
Measuring accuracy:
Error of measurement: minimum ±0.2% or ±1 cm.
Repeatability: less than 0.5 x error of measurement.
Measured-value resolution: 0.04 inches (1 mm)
Ambient temperature effect: No temperature effect on measured value.
Field service conditions:
At installation: Avoid interference reflections and multiple reflections.
Hazardous locations: DR22X0 Ex: Zone 0, 1, 2; IIC/IIB, T1 toT6.
Intrinsically safe, Class 1 Div. 1 and 2
Ambient temperature:
at signal converter: –4 to +131°F (–20 to +55°C).
functional range:
–40 to +158°F (–40 to +70°C).
Flange temperature:
Environment class:
Locations exposed direct to open-air climate, D1 Severity in conformity with EN 60654-1.
Protection category:
EN 60529/IEC 529 (signal converter) IP 66/IP 67.
Shock resistance:
Impact test to EN 61010, Sect. 8.2 with 0.5 J energy; drop test to prEN 50178.
Vibration endurance limit:
IEC 68-2-6 and prEN 50178 (10-57 Hz: 0.075 mm / 57-150 Hz:1 g).
EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2; NAMUR Recommendation.
Minimum Flange Temperature
Maximum Flange Temperature
without high
with high
distance piece
distance piece
Horn antenna/Wave-Guide, gaskets FFKM
–22°F (–30°C)
+266°F (+130°C)
+482°F (+250°C)
Horn antenna/Wave-Guide, gaskets K2035
–22°F (–30°C)
+266°F (+130°C)
+410°F (+210°C)
Horn antenna/Wave-Guide, gaskets FPM (Viton)
–22°F (–30°C)
+266°F (+130°C)
+392°F (+200°C)
Horn antenna/Wave-Guide, gaskets FEP coated
–22°F (–30°C)
+266°F (+130°C)
+392°F (+200°C)
LP flange system with horn antenna/Wave-Guide
–22°F (–20°C)
+266°F (+130°C)*
Wave-Stick PTFE with flange plate
–40°F (–40°C)
+266°F (+130°C)*
+302°F* (+150°C)*
Wave-Stick PTFE without flange plate
–22°F (–20°C)
+266°F (+130°C)*
+302°F* (+150°C)*
Wave-Stick PP without flange plate
–22°F (–20°C)
+212°F* (+100°C)
+212°F* (+100°C)
*pressure-dependent, see OperatingPressure.