This is an overview of the configuration steps required for editing or creating an
Annunciator configuration. Refer to the next section for additional detail on the menu
Reviewing or editing the Factory Configuration
All Annunciators are factory configured per the model number. Some of these
selections, such as Alarm Sequence can be changed with the configuration software.
Other features not in the model number, such as N.O./N.C. Inputs, Input Delay, CSM
Relay Outputs can also be edited.
1. Remove the front mounted pushbuttons in the CSM Cell (or windows used in the
lower right Cell) to gain access to the CSM front mounted Serial Port.
Connect the serial (one to one) cable provided with the Annunciator between the
AN-3100D CSM Port and the PC with the Configuration Software installed.
The serial port on the rear of the Annunciator is used for the optional
communications; Modbus, DNP, etc. It is NOT used for the system
2. Start up Configuration Software. If a default configuration appears, press
3. Select Connections, then Settings and configure your PC Serial port for the Com
Port where your serial cable is plugged into, 9600 Baud, no parity and address 1
4. Select Connections, and then Connect. If successful, the Annunciator lights will
flash fast and a pop up screen will appear with your serial number. Press OK.
5. If you see a screen that says ‘Configuration Mismatch’, select Download
Configuration from the Annunciator.
6. If you see a screen that says ‘This is not the correct configuration file type for
this Annunciator’, Select File, and Open up a known configuration file for this
type of Annunciator. If a file is not available, follow the instructions below for
creating a new configuration.
7. Start the configuration software and select File, New. Select the correct type of
Annunciator if prompted. Select Cancel in the configuration menu. Select
Connections, and then Connect. You may be prompted to configure certain
options not present in your configuration; select NO. Cancel out of any
configuration menus. Select Connections, Configuration, Read Configuration.
When done, you can Select File, Start Wizard and this will show how the
Annunciator is currently configured.
8. Select File, Start Wizard and this will show how the Annunciator is currently
configured. You can make changes to any of the selections. For more detail on
any of the selection, refer to the next section on the Configuration Wizard.