American Dryer Corp.
113363 - 37
NOTE: Press and hold the “UP ARROW” to view the tumbler temperature at any time.
NOTE: The dryer can be stopped at any time by pressing the “STOP/CLEAR” key, at this time the
dryer will go into a cycle pause. If the “STOP/CLEAR” key is pressed again at this point, the
cycle that was in progress will be cancelled and returned to the “READY” state.
NOTE: Press and hold the “DOWN ARROW” to view the tumbler RPM.
5. When the programmed drying time has expired, the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer)
will proceed into the Cool Down Cycle.
6. Once the Cool Down Cycle begins at the end of the heat cycle, the light emitting diode (L.E.D.) display will
read COOL DOWN TEMP ___/___ MINUTES REMAINING. At the end of the heat cycle, the dryer
will shut off the heat and continue the fan and tumbler until the Cool Down Time or temperature is reached.
IMPORTANT: For more detailed information regarding the microprocessor controller (computer) on
your dryer, refer to the microprocessor user’s manual included with the dryer.
1. Turn drying timer knob for a time of 20 minutes.
2. Select “High Temp.”
3. Push “Push to Start” button.
4. To stop dryer, open the main door.
Spin and dwell (stop) times are adjustable at the
reversing timer.
Timer models have an electronic reversing timer in the electrical service box, which is located in the upper left
rear area of the dryer.
Both the dwell (stop) time and the tumbler spin time are adjustable by mode selection switches located on the
electronic timer (as noted in the illustration below).
Adjustment Position Number
Counterclockwise - Clockwise
Time in Seconds
30 - 150
Adjustment Position Number
Counterclockwise - Clockwise
Time in Seconds
5 - 10
* Values shown are +/- 1-second.