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American DJ


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Show Designer.™ to control the DMX traits. Operating through a DMX 
controller gives freedom to create unique programs tailored to one’s 
individual needs.
1.  The Jellydome™ uses 3 DMX channels. Channel 1 controls the  

dimmer/strobe, channel 2 controls the colors, and channel 3 con- 


trols dome rotation. See bottom of this page for the DMX traits.

2.  To control your fixture in DMX mode, follow the set-up proce-   

dures on pages 5 - 7 as well as the set-up specifications that are  


included with your DMX controller. Using the dipswitches assign a  


DMX address to the unit. See page 5 for addressing.

3.  For help operating in DMX operation consult the manual included  

with your DMX controller.

4.  For longer cable runs (more than a 100 feet) use a terminator on  

the last fixture.

  Jellydome                                                        UC3 Control

Stand by 

Blackout the unit 


1. Synchronous Strobe 

2. Two light Strobe 
3. Sound Strobe 

Rotation Speed 



Strobe (LED OFF) 

Rotation (LED ON) 


                                              DMX Traits





                          Trouble Shooting

Trouble  Shooting:  Listed  below  are  a  few  common  problems  that 
you may encounter, with solutions.
No light output from the unit;
1.   Be sure you have connected your unit into a standard 120v wall  


2.    Be sure the external fuse has not blown. The fuse is located on  

 the bottom panel of the unit. 

3.   Be sure the fuse holder is completely and properly seated. 

Unit does not respond to sound;
1.     Low frequencies (bass) should cause the unit to react to sound.
    Tapping on the microphone, quiet or high pitched sounds may

 not activate the unit.  

Fixture Cleaning:

 Due to fog residue, smoke, and dust cleaning the 

internal and external optical lenses and mirror should be carried out 
periodically to optimize light output. Cleaning frequency depends on 
the environment in which the fixture operates (I.e. smoke, fog residue, 
dust, dew). In heavy club use we recommend cleaning on a monthly 
basis. Periodic cleaning will ensure longevity, and crisp output.
1.   Use normal glass cleaner and a soft cloth to wipe down the out- 

side casing.

2.   Use a brush to wipe down the cooling vents and fan grill.
3.   Clean the external optics and mirror with glass cleaner and a soft  

cloth every 20 days.

4.   Clean the internal optics with glass cleaner and a soft cloth every  

30-60 days.

5.  Always be sure to dry all parts completely before plugging the unit  

back in.

  Jellydome                                                         Fuse Replacement

First unplug the power. The fuse holder is located above to the power 
cord.  Using  a  flat-head  screw  driver  to  unscrew  the  fuse  holder. 
Remove the bad fuse and replace with a new one. 
