Emerald/Ruby Sync™
Control & Functions
WAVELENGTH : 635~650 nm
Max Output : <4.9mW
Class IIIa Laser Product
1. Power Switch -
This switch is used to turn the unit On and
2. Fuse Holder -
This housing stores the 2 amp GMA protective
fuse. Always replace with the exact same type fuse, unless otherwise
instructed, by an authorized American DJ
service technician.
3. Power Cord Connection -
This connection is used to supply
main power to the fixture. Use only the supplied I.E.C. power cord. Be
sure the main power matches the required power of your fixture.
4. Remote Contoller Input -
This input uses a 1/4” (6.3mm) micro-
phone jack. The optional blackout controller plugs in here and is used
to control the first unit, and other units if linked together. It controls
stand by and blackout function.
5. Signal Output -
This output connection is used when linking unit’s
in master/slave configuration. The connection uses a 3.5mm stereo
microphone jack. Output is used when the unit has been selected as
the master, and when linking more than one slave.
6. Signal Input -
This input connection is used when linking unit’s
American DJ
- www.americandj.com - Emerald/Ruby Sync™ Instruction Manual Page 9
American DJ
- www.americandj.com - Emerald/Ruby Sync™ Instruction Manual Page 10
Emerald/Ruby Sync™
Control & Functions
in master/slave configuration. The connection uses a 3.5mm stereo
microphone jack. The input is used when a unit has been selected as
a slave unit. The input connection requires a 3.5mm microphone jack.
7. Mode Button -
This button is used to switch the laser on and
off, when in stand-alone mode. The button will activate master/slave
mode when units are linked together in that configuration.
8. Red and Yellow LED’s -
When the laser is on, and the unit is
operating in stand alone mode, the red and yellow LED will be lit. When
the LED’s are not lit, it means that blackout mode is activated. When
the units are linked in a master/slave configuration the yellow LED will
be lit on the master unit, indicating that the master/slave mode has
been activated.
Emerald/Ruby Sync™
Power Supply:
This unit is available in both 120v and 220v options,
before plugging your fixture in be sure the source voltage in your area
matches the required voltage for your American DJ
Emerald Sync/
Ruby Sync.™
CAUTION IMPORTANT! : When installing this projector, make
sure that it is mounted in a manner that prevents the audience
from looking directly into the beam, and that the beam will not
strike the audience.
General Operation:
Plug and Play operation
. This fixture is
designed to operate as a stand alone unit or as a simple master/slave
configuration. It has been tested at the factory there is no assembly
necessary. The Emerald Sync/Ruby Sync™ is ready to be plugged in,
out of the box. This Emerald Sync/Ruby Sync™ is a sound active unit
that can function as a stand-alone unit, or in a Master/Slave configura-
tion. The unit comes with 16 built-in patterns that automatically cycle
through when the unit is operating, the patterns may not be selected
manually. If there is no sound the unit will blackout after 7 seconds.
If the unit does not turn on after the power has been switched on, be
sure the fuse has not blown and the unit is properly plugged in to a
matching wall outlet. If problem continue to persist, please contact
customer support for further instructions.