if you are the original purchaser of a new americ
Vane axial fan, then you are entitled to a limited
warranty subject to the terms and conditions set forth
herein. to qualify for the limited warranty you must
complete the enclosed registration card and mail it to
americ within (30) days of the purchase so that there
is a record of your purchase. americ’s limited
warranty is for the replacement or repair of any part
that proves to be defective in workmanship or
materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of
purchase by the original purchaser. During the first
year, americ will provide all parts necessary to
correct any defects, free of charge. this limited
warranty extends only to the original purchaser who
retains ownership of the fan. this limited warranty is
not transferable to any subsequent purchaser or
second-hand user.
the limited warranty extends only to the repair or
replacement of parts found upon americ’s
examination to be defective. unless any part or
assembled unit replaced hereunder is returned, freight
pre-paid, together with a letter describing the problem
to americ or an authorized americ dealer, this limited
warranty will be void and of no effect.
this warranty is limited to ninety (90) days for labor
from the date of the purchase. thereafter, any labor
costs incurred will be charged to the customer at the
prevailing hourly rate.
this limited warranty shall not extend to a product
that has been used in an improper manner, or that has
been disassembled, altered or improperly maintained.
Nor shall this limited warranty apply if the fan has
been subjected to corrosive chemicals, improper
voltage, unauthorized repairs, fire, flood, abnormal
wear or any causes beyond americ’s control.
this limited warranty does not apply if the serial
number has been removed, obliterated, or defaced.
americ corporation reserves the right to make
changes to the Vane axial fan in design, materials or
specifications as necessary and without prior notice.
americ shall not be obliged to make alterations or
modifications to existing products previously
to obtain replacement parts pursuant to this limited
warranty, you must write to americ or call (847) 364-
4646 to receive an authorization number.
replacement parts will not be provided unless the
customer first provides the serial number of the fan
and also receives an authorization number from
other thaN the foreGoiNG liMiteD
WarraNty, there are No further
WarraNtieS or aNy affirMatioNS of
fact or ProMiSeS by aMeric With
reSPect to the VaNe axial faN. the
DuratioN of aNy iMPlieD WarraNtieS
are liMiteD to the terMS of the aboVe
liMiteD WarraNty. SoMe StateS Do Not
alloW liMitatioNS oN hoW loNG aN
iMPlieD WarraNty May laSt, So the
aboVe liMitatioNS May Not aPPly to
you. Without liMitiNG the GeNerality
of the foreGoiNG, aMeric exPreSSly
DiSclaiMS aNy iNfriNGeMeNt or aNy
affirMatioNS of fact or quality Not
exPreSSly coNtaiNeD hereiN. aMeric
corPoratioN aND itS affiliateD Neither
aSSuMe Nor authorize aNy PerSoN to
aSSuMe for theM aNy other obliGatioN
or liability iN coNNectioN With itS
WarraNtieS Which exteND beyoND the
DeScriPtioN oN the face hereof. iN No
eVeNt Shall aMeric corPoratioN be
liable for SPecial, iNciDeNtal or
coNSequeNtial DaMaGeS, or for loSS
of ProfitS of itS cuStoMerS or uSerS of
ProDuct. SoMe StateS/juriSDictioNS Do
coNSequeNtial DaMaGeS, So the aboVe
liMitatioNS May Not aPPly to you. thiS
liMiteD WarraNty GiVeS you SPecific
leGal riGhtS, aND you May alSo haVe
other riGhtS Which Vary froM State to