Amcrest View App Interface
Once the app is setup to work with your DVR, it should look like the image below on the left.
Clicking the Menu Icon (The 3 Horizontal Lines in a Circle) on the top left hand corner will open
the menu for this app, and it should look like the image below on the right.
Live Preview is the default screen that the app opens on, but from the menu, Playback, and
Device Manager can be opened, as well as other menu items for other features.
For a detailed operational introduction, please refer to our CD included in your
package for the electronic version of the
User Manual
To view setup videos for many of the steps outlined in this guide, go to
This quick start guide is for reference only. Slight differences may be found in the
user interface.
All the designs and software here are subject to change without prior written notice.
All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned are the properties of their
respective owners.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
or call us at 888-212-7538.