Web Setup
For purposes of this guide, we will outline the most common method for setting up web access.
Using Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) and Dynamic Domain Name Server (DDNS) functionality
is the easiest way to setup stable remote access. For this method, your router should support
the uPnP networking protocol and the protocol should be enabled. Please refer to your router
manufacturer’s documentation to learn how to enable uPnP on your router.
To view a video on how to setup the HDCVI for UPnP/DDNS remote access go to
http://amcrest.com/videos and view the video titled
“How to Gain Remote Access to Your HDCVI DVR with Universal Plug and Play”.
Below is a step-by-step walkthrough that details how to setup the HDCVI for
Remote Web Access using UPnP and DDNS:
1. Login to your DVR, open the main menu then go to Settings -> Network.
2. Using the left hand menu, go to the Connection menu, and write down the HTTP port. It
is recommended to ensure the port number is at least 5 digits long to prevent any port
conflicts. If need be, change the port to a 5 digit number that is less than 65535, note the
number down, and click save before proceeding to the next step.
3. The system will prompt you to reset the DVR. Click OK and wait for the DVR to restart.
4. Login to your DVR, open the main menu then go to Settings -> Network.
5. Click the Connections menu item on the left hand menu, and ensure that the HTTP port
has changed.
6. Click the DDNS menu item on the left hand menu, click the enable checkbox, and then
click the Apply button on the bottom right.
7. Write down the entire Domain Name field, including the white text that
says .quickddns.com
8. Click the UPnP menu item on the left hand menu, and click the enable radio button at
the top.
9. While in the UPnP menu, double click the HTTP port, and change both the internal and
external HTTP ports to match the number that was used in step 2.
10. Uncheck the last 4 checkboxes in the PAT table on the UPnP menu.
Click apply, and ensure the UPnP status field says “Searching.”
12. Exit this menu to go back to the main menu, then re-enter the UPnP menu, and ensure
the UPnP status says
13. Open a web browser and enter in the DDNS domain name address from step 3, enter in
a colon, then type the port number from step 4 on to the end.
a. For example, if the DDNS domain name is http://abc123456789.quickddns.com
and your HTTP Port is 33333, the URL would be
14. The browser may prompt you to install a plugin. Click install to download the plugin, then
click on the plugin installation file to install the plugin.
15. If the browser prompts you to allow the plugin to work on the computer, hit Allow to
ensure the plugin can run successfully.
16. Enter in login details into the username and password fields.