The service menus remains unlocked for a programmed timeout period (set to 5 minutes). Within
that period, the service menus can be re-enabled by long pressing the
button. If the
timeout period is allowed to expire, the password entry screen will appear prior to accessing the
service menus. Also, if the service menu is active when a timeout occurs, the service mode is
disabled, and the display will go blank (i.e. power saving mode). Lastly, the service menu timeout
is reset with each button press while the service menus are active.
5.2.9 Menu System
– Sensor Service Menu
If the
button is pressed while the service menus are active and a sensor is currently
selected, then the following menu is shown for sensors associated with sensor module sensors.
This menu is common to all sensor module sensors therefore selecting any sensor module sensor
will produce the same menu.
buttons can be used to navigate the list of service menus for the selected sensor. The
sensor’s service menu provides the follo ing menu items
Table 5-3: Sensor Service Menu Options
Menu Item Description
ADAPTiCal Activate this menu item to start calibration for the selected sensor. Refer to
section for a complete description of the calibration sequence for sensor
module sensors
As Found
Activate this menu item to enter the background concentration reading before
performing a bump test (refer to section 5.3.3 for explanation)
Activate this menu item to edit the custom window filter for the selected sensor
Activate this menu item to activate the override sub-menu for the selected sensor
Activate this menu item to trigger a software reset of the selected sensor
Select this menu item to return to the main service menu. The current sensor will
be selected when the main service menu appears
Window is a custom average filter for gas readings, where the averaging "window" can be
selected from a multiplier of 2 -
6 . This refers to the “ ustom” average that can e seen through
the detailed sensor screen for each sensor (see section 5.2.5). The averaging time of the custom
filter is the product of the multiplier and 15 minutes. For example, a multiplier of 3 would
correspond to an averaging window of 45 minutes.
‘ indo ’ is activated from the sensor’s service menu, then the displa ill e updated to sho
the following editing screen.
onte t sensitive help for the currentl highlighted menu item
A A Ti al
tart A A Ti al
As ound