12 Replacement of parts
Disconnect electric and oil supplies to the
burner. Remove the burner by slackening
two M8 bolts - twist and remove the
Removal of blast tube.
Slackening grub screw
Remove blast tube by twisting and pulling
Note When refitting blast tube do not
overtighten grub screw.
Removal of ignition electrodes.
Remove securing screw.
Note When replacing electrodes - Ensure
setting positions are correct. See Fig 9.
Removal of diffuser
Slacken grub screw and remove diffuser.
Note When refitting, ensure the diffuser
sits against top of the screw head.
Removal of nozzle
Using a suitable spanner grip nozzle and
remove, use a second spanner to stop the
nozzle assembly rotating.
When refitting, ensure pump coupling
locates correctly into the motor.
When replacing nozzle, do not touch front
face of the nozzle.
Do not overtighten the nozzle when
replacing, as this may damage the sealing
To Replace the Pump
Remove oil lines. Disconnect solenoid coil.
Disconnect oil feed line to burner.
Slacken 3 grub screws and remove pump.
To Replace the Motor
Disconnect oil pump by slackening 3x grub
screws. Remove 2 screws open access
Release the fan impellor by slackening
grub screw through access door.
Remove 3 screws securing motor to burner
body. Disconnect electrical connection to
control box.
To Replace Transformer
Remove screws securing access door and
lift. Remove screws securing transformer.
Disconnect electrode leads. Disconnect
wiring from control box.