Version 1.2
©Copyright 2017, Ambient LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Page 9
assigned IP address).
To connect to your wireless network, select the Wireless LAN option and enter the wireless network
settings (an example is shown in Figure 10), and your router (SSID) settings will be different).
To convert from LAN (cabled) to Wireless LAN (WiFi), select
Save and Apply and Reboot
, and
disconnect from your router.
The IP address may change. Refer to the WeatherBridgePro display to find the new IP address (if
Figure 9
IP Address
You can change from DHCP to manually assigning the IP address, as shown in Figure 10 (this is only
an example, your network settings will be different). In most cases, you will not need to change the IP
address to a static IP on your network.
To convert from DHCP to statically assigned IP address, select
Save and Apply and Reboot
The IP address can be accessed in a few minutes through your browser.
Restoring the default IP Address and Restoring to
Factory Default
If you make changes to your network or you incorrectly configured the static IP address of the
WeatherBridgePro, you may need to restore the WeatherBridgePro to factory default.
In the event the IP address cannot be accessed and the status light is blinking rapidly, plug the
WeatherBridgePro into your router, and press the reset pinhole (reference Figure 2) with a sharp tool
or open ended paperclip to restore to factory default.
You will be presented with various menu options. Keep pressing the factory reset pinhole to select the
and wait for the WeatherBridgePro to reboot.
The WeatherBridgePro will reboot and wait until the red status light on the front of the
WeatherBridgePro transitions from blinking rapidly to solid.