AMAZONAS CROSS CARRY CARRY BABY Instructions Manual Download Page 2


In the first step, adjust the length of the CarryBaby. Please carry out this step without your baby.
Place the two loops crosswise across your shoulders. 

While doing so, the zippers remain on the back. 

Now shove both hands (which were placed together through the ensuing cross) through the
cloth and check how low the cloth can be pulled downward. The hands should come to a stop
above your navel.   

Should you be able to pull the cloth too far downward, then take off both loops once again and
shorten each one with the zipper. 

Now once again place the two loops in the right length crosswise across your shoulders. Once
again the zippers remain on the back.

Pick up your baby and place it on a shoulder. Now hold your baby’s nearest leg with the free
hand beneath one of the cloth strips. 

Change the shoulder, again hold your baby’s nearest leg with the free hand beneath the cloth

Put your baby in the emerging cross. It may be a bit too tight here during the first use, since on
account of its elasticity the cloth sags a bit when carrying.

Now spread out the two cloths one after the other. While doing so, your baby’s arms remain
within the cloth strips and wrap around your body. 

Make sure that the cloth strips run upwardly in the entire width and cross shortly beneath the
nape of your baby’s neck. 

Now it can proceed!

To take the cloth off, move the crossed cloth strips outwardly to the left and right. Always push the
flat hand from behind through the cloth strips, and allow the material to glide downward until your
baby’s feet are exposed. If your baby has fallen asleep, bend your upper body forward, lay your baby
down and cover it up if necessary. Your baby will normally continue to sleep. Only now should you
take off the entire cloth. 

You will find the video to the tying instructions at













“Cross Carry” 






Summary of Contents for CROSS CARRY CARRY BABY

Page 1: ...ieder mit der freien Hand unterhalb der Tuchbahn das am nächsten liegende Beinchen Ihres Babys Setzen Sie Ihr Baby in das entstandene Kreuz Beim ersten Benutzen darf es hier etwas eng zugehen da das Tuch beim Tragen auf Grund seiner Elastizität noch etwas nachgibt Fächern Sie nun nacheinander die beiden Tuchbahnen auf Die Arme Ihres Babys bleiben dabei innerhalb der Tuchbahnen und umfassen Ihren K...

Page 2: ...y s nearest leg with the free hand beneath the cloth strip Put your baby in the emerging cross It may be a bit too tight here during the first use since on account of its elasticity the cloth sags a bit when carrying Now spread out the two cloths one after the other While doing so your baby s arms remain within the cloth strips and wrap around your body Make sure that the cloth strips run upwardly...

Page 3: ...r attraper l autre jambe de votre bébé Placez votre bébé dans la croix Lors de la première utilisation l écharpe peut être légèrement serrée Celle ci se rallonge pendant le portage en raison de son élasticité Dépliez maintenant les deux pans l un après l autre Les bras de votre bébé doivent rester dans les pans et vous entourer Veillez à ce que les pans soient bien étalés dans toute la largeur et ...

Page 4: ...é por debajo de la banda con la mano que le queda libre Coloque el bebé sobre la cruz que se ha formado La primera vez que utilice el fular éste se ha de colocar un poco más ceñido ya que al llevarlo cede un poco debido a su elasticidad Ahora abra ambas bandas del fular como si fueran un abanico una detrás de otra Los brazos del bebé permancen entretanto dentro de las bandas y le rodean a usted el...

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