Module 2: Creating a WebStore
Now begins all the fun! WebStore provides two different
methods to help you create a WebStore:
WebStore Setup Wizard
1-Click WebStore
Use the 1-Click page to specify a short series of settings
and create your own 1-Click WebStore.
Select a Theme
Select a Style
Provide Store Header Image
Select Products from Inventory or add Amazon Products
Enter Associate ID to Earn Referral Fees
WebStore will produce an on-screen progress bar indicating the status of your store creation. You can
also choose to have an email sent to you when the process is complete.
WebStore Setup Wizard
The Setup wizard guides you through a six step process to create your WebStore. These steps are:
1. Enter Company Information
2. Category Structure – specify the categories
3. Review/Edit Category Structure – assign products
4. Choose a Theme
5. Review/Edit Theme – edit the design
6. Preview/Publish
Once you have completed the 1-Click or WebStore Setup Wizard process you can still
customize your store at any time by visiting the WebStore Design tab in Seller Central.