December 1999
Single Package
Vertical Unit
Wall Sleeve
Installation Instructions
As a professional installer you have an obligation to
know the product better than the customer. This
includes all safety precautions and related items.
Prior to actual installation, thoroughly familiarize your-
self with this Instruction Manual. Pay special attention
to all safety warnings. Often during installation or repair
it is possible to place yourself in a position which is
more hazardous than when the unit is in operation.
Remember, it is your responsibility to install the
product safely and to know it well enough to be able to
instruct a customer in its safe use.
Safety is a matter of common sense...a matter of
thinking before acting. Most dealers have a list of
specific good safety practices...follow them.
The precautions listed in this Installation Manual should
not supersede existing practices but should be consid-
ered as supplemental information.
The Single Package Vertical Unit (SPVU) wall sleeve provides structural support and weather-tight seal against wind and
water infiltration for the SPVu. Three wall sleeve sizes are available to accommodate wall thickness from 5” to 15”. Each
sleeve includes a factory-installed “weather guard” to cover the sleeve opening during construction.
Table of Contents
General ......................................................................... 2
Unit Features ............................................................... 2
Unit Location ............................................................... 2
Transportation Damage .............................................. 2
Unit Accessories ......................................................... 3
Grille Installation Instructions .................................... 3
Installation Instructions .............................................. 3