Wired Door Switch Option (skip if not using door
NOTE: Thermostat has motion sensing capability
for energy management operation, and thermostat
may be connected to a wired door switch if desired
for improved detection. If connecting a wired door
switch to this thermostat use 20 gauge minimum
field supplied wiring.
1. Route wires through the rectangular opening on the
flush-mount base extension if used, and through th
label in the area marked by a circle on the mounting
base plate.
2. Loosen set screws on wired terminals labeled
DOOR and GND and insert wires into the openings.
Tighten set screws. (See following figure for switc
3. Connect wires at door switch.
(Set to B)
Door Switch Wiring
Configuration Settings
NOTE: Multiple set up option are available
based upon the type of HVAC equipment being
controlled, personal operational preferences,
and energy management functionality.
To enter configuration feature mode
1. Press and continue to hold the (+) and (-) buttons.
2. Press and release the MODE button twice.
3. And release the (+) and (-) buttons
Once you are in the configuration program, you can use
the FAN button to move through the various configuration
settings. The (+) or (-) keys will move up or down
the selectable codes that you can change for each
configurable option setting. The display will alternate
between displaying the feature code and the option code
Ensure that you are in the proper configuration setting
before pressing the FAN button as you may accidentally
change a setting that you did not intent to change. Refer to
the Configuration Table for configuration options
4. The thermostat should be displaying two dashed
lines; if not start back at step 1.
5. If the thermostat is controlling a heat pump, press
and release the FAN button until “0b” appears. Use
the (+) or (-) buttons to select “o” for an “O” terminal
(reversing valve energizes on cooling), and “b” for a
“B” terminal (reversing valve energizes on heating).
6. Press and release the FAN button until “HE” appears.
Use the (+) or (-) buttons to select “HP” for control of
a heat pump, or “EL” for control of a cooler with only
electric heat.
7. Press and release the FAN button until “CL” appears.
Use the (+) or (-) buttons to select the cooling
temperature limit, which restricts how low the user can
set the thermostat in cooling operation.
8. Press and release the FAN button until “CH” appears.
Use the (+) or (-) buttons to select the heating
temperature limit, which restricts how high the user
can set the thermostat in heating operation.
9. If the thermostat user requires the display to show
temperatures in degrees Celsius, press and release
the FAN button until “CF” appears. Use the (+) or (-)
buttons to select “C” for Celsius or “F” for Fahrenheit.
10. Press and release the FAN button until “LC” appears.
Use the (+) or (-) buttons to select “01” for a 3-minute
compressor lockout or “00” for no compressor lockout.
Note: it is the responsibility of the installer to ensure
that the compressor has adequate protection from
short cycling.
11. Press and release the FAN button until “OC” appears.
Use the (+) or (-) buttons to select “E” for occupancy
detection enable or “d” for no occupancy detection.
12. Press and release the FAN button until “UC” appears.
Use the (+) or (-) buttons to select the cooling
temperature setting when the room is unoccupied.
13. Press and release the FAN button until “UH” appears.
Use the (+) or (-) buttons to select the heating
temperature setting when the room is unoccupied.
14. Press and release the FAN button until “nA” appears.
Use the (+) to display first two hexadecimal digit
of the device network short address and the (-)
buttons to display last two hexadecimal digits of the
device network short address. Note these will only
be available if the thermostat is already bound to a
Zigbee network.
15. Press and release the MODE button twice to exit the
configuration settings. Other codes may be availabl
for factory use.