S-16E Testing Interface Board
Fan Only
With thermostat set to the “Fan” position, and system switch
1. Check for 24 volts from “C” to “R2” or “R3”.
2. If no 24 volts from “C” to “R2” or “R3”, check low voltage
wiring in unit and transformer.
3. If 24 volts present from “C” to “R2” or “R3”, check for 24
volts from “C” to “G”.
4. If no voltage present from “C” to “G”, check low voltage
wiring in unit and thermostat and thermostat wiring.
5. If 24 volts present from “C” to “G”, check from pin 1 to pin
15 and from pin 3 to pin 15 in the 16 pin connector at the
interface board.
6. If no voltage present from pin 1 to pin 15 and from pin 3 to
pin 15, replace interface board.
7. If 24 volts present from pin 1 to pin 15 and from pin 3 to
pin 15, check the 16 pin harness and the ECM motor.
Cooling/Heat Pump
With thermostat set to the “Cool” position and
thermostat set below room temperature (or for
Heat Pump 1
stage heat, thermostat set to the
“Heat” position and thermostat set above room
1. Check for 24 volts from “C” to “R2” or “R3”.
2. If no 24 volts from “C” to “R2” or “R3”, check low voltage
wiring in unit and transformer.
3. If 24 volts present from “C” to “R2” or “R3”, check for 24
volts from “C” to “G” and from “C” to “Y/Y2”.
4. If no voltage present from “C” to “G” and “C” to “Y/Y2”,
check low voltage wiring in unit and thermostat and ther-
mostat wiring.
5. If 24 volts present from “C” to “G” and “C” to “Y/Y2”, check
for 24 volts from pin 1 to pin 6 and from pin 3 to pin 6 in
the 16 pin connector at the interface board.
6. If no voltage present from pin 1 to pin 6 and from pin 3 to
pin 6, replace interface board.
7. If 24 volts present from pin 1 to pin 6 and from pin 3 to pin
6, check the 16 pin harness and the ECM motor.
Heating (Gas, Electric Heat, or Emergency Heat)
With thermostat set to the “Heat” position and thermostat
set above room temperature:
1. Check for 24 volts from “C” to “R2” or “R3”.
2. If no 24 volts from “C” to “R2” or “R3”, check low voltage
wiring in unit and transformer.
3. If 24 volts present from “C” to “R2” or “R3”, check for 24
volts from “C” to “W1”.
4. If no voltage present from “C” to “W1”, check low voltage
wiring in unit and thermostat and thermostat wiring.
5. If 24 volts present from “C” to “W1”, check for 24 volts
from pin 1 to pin 2 and from pin 3 to pin 2 in the 16 pin
connector at the interface board.
6. If no voltage present from pin 1 to pin 2 and from pin 3 to
pin 2, replace interface board.
7. If 24 volts present from pin 1 to pin 2 and from pin 3 to pin
2, check the 16 pin harness and the ECM motor.