Before Calling for Service
To avoid electrical shock which can cause severe personal injury or death, do not remove outer case at any time.
Only an authorized Amana servicer should remove outer case.
2004 Amana Commercial Products
Amana, Iowa 52204
Part No. 12804501
Revised 11/04
or full product documentation visit:
P ro blem P os sible
C ause
O ven does not opera te.
C onfirm oven is p lug ged into dedic ated circu it.
C onfirm oven is o n g round ed a nd p olarized c ircuit.
(C ontact e lectric ian to confirm )
C hec k fuse or circuit break er.
O ven operates interm ittently.
C hec k air filter an d discharge are as for obstructio ns.
If oven does not accept e ntries
w hen pad is pressed .
M ake sure oven is o n.
O pen and close ove n d oor. P ress p ad again .
If oven m alfunctions or sh ow s
w ith a n um ber:
O ven co ntrol is equ ipp ed w ith a self-dia gnostic s ystem . Se lf-diag nostic
s yste m alerts you if there is a error or problem . W hen electron ic contro l
signa ls a problem , follo w steps liste d belo w.
1. R ecord
n um ber
show n.
2. U nplug oven, w ait for 1 m inute, and plug in ove n.
• D isconnectin g electrical sup ply m ay elim inate service cod e. If failure
continues, co ntact an autho rize d A m ana servicer or ca ll A m ana to ll
free at 1-866 -426-262 1 insid e the U .S.A . or C ana da.
O ven operates b ut does no t heat
P lace on e cup of w ater in o ven .
R un for one m inute at full p ow er (100% ).
If tem perature d oes not rise , oven is not op erating correctly. C on tact a n
autho rized Am ana s ervicer or call A m ana to ll free a t 1-866-4 26-26 21 inside
the U .S.A . or C anad a.
(som e m odels)
T his oven displa ys
eve ry 7 da ys. W he n the m essage displays,
clean the air filter th oroughly.
C lea ning th e air filte r w ill n ot shu t off the
m ess ag e.
T he m essage w ill sto p displaying autom atically after 24 h ours.
Ca ll SERV
(som e m odels)
A pro blem has been d etected w ith the co oking perform ance of th e oven.
C ontinue to use th e oven but verify food tem peratures. C all an au thorized
A m a na servicer to correct the prob lem .