Domain Filter Enable
Check if you want to enable Domain Filter.
Log DNS Query
Check if you want to log the action when someone accesses the specific URLs.
Privilege IP Address Range
Setting a group of hosts and privilege these hosts to access network without restriction.
Domain Suffix
A suffix of URL to be restricted; For example, ".com", "".
When someone is accessing the URL met the domain-suffix, what kind of action you
Check drop to block the access. Check log to log these access.
Check to enable each rule.
Click on “Save” to store what you just select or “Undo” to give up
Advanced Setup > Security Setting > URL Blocking
URL Blocking
will block LAN computers to connect to pre-defined Websites.
The major difference between “Domain filter” and “URL Blocking” is Domain filter
require user to input suffix (like .com or .org, etc), while URL Blocking require user to
input a keyword only. In other words, Domain filter can block specific website, while