The following water quality must be maintained at all times to prevent premature corrosion. It is
recommended that your water balance is checked and balanced by a pool professional. Your warranty
does not cover for damaged caused by poor water chemistry and neglect.
7.2 -7.6
Total Alkalinity:
80 - 120ppm
Total hardness:
Less thab 500ppm
Total Dissolved solids:
1500ppm or lower
Saline Water max:
concentration 6%
Chlorine Free Cl:
5ppm Max. Continuous
Cyanuric level
50ppm Max.
Super chlorination Max:
30ppm for 24hrs
Bromine: 8ppm
Baquacil: 25-50ppm
Surface skimmers (above or inground)
Do not use slow dissolving chemical tablets such as chlorine in the skimmer basket(s). This can lead to high
acidic/corrosive pool water affecting the heat exchanger and resulting in a replacement of the whole unit.
Therefore, we recommend that diluted chemicals are fed directly to the pool water or use an automatic dosing
Winterising Procedure
1. Switch off electric supply to heat pump.
2. Turn off circulation pump.
3. Drain water from heat pump by disconnecting pipework to and from heat pump.
Ensure Heat Pump is completely drained.
4. Flush through water circuit in heat pump using clean tap water i.e. a hose into inlet connection - run
for 10 minutes minimum.
5. Drain completely - fit plastic bags secured by elastic bands over water connections.
6. If desired, you can protect from the heater by covering with VENTILATED cover through the winter
season. Do not use plastic sheet as condensation can occur within unit.
NOTE. If the pool has a ‘frost-thermostat’ installed to prevent the pool system from being drained in the
winter months, it is recommended that a plumbing by-pass is installed to prevent unnecessary water flow
through the heater unit.
Start-Up Procedure
1. Remove ventilated cover protection is fitted.
2. Re-connect all plumbing connections to heat pump, filtration etc.
3. Turn on circulation pump and check for leaks.
4. Use control panel to set functions 1-7.
5. Check daily to ensure pool water has the correct pH and the correct chemical balance is being