Differences between ILS and ELS
CDR Manual
• Status monitoring of connection between MAXCS and Logger
Service—User Database ID and Client ID can be used to verify
connection to Logger Service. “Database ID” is fixed to “Default” and
cannot be found on any GUI. “Client ID” is mentioned as “Password”
in MaxAdmin and External Logger Service Configuration. If the
verification fails, the status of the Logger Service is “Invalid
Password,” which can be monitored by the administrator.
• If no database is set up correctly, or the database is shut down when
Logger Service is starting, it will be stopped.
Differences between ILS and ELS
Internal Logger Service
• Implements auto retain and backup mechanism (1-12 months)
• Only MAXCS/MaxAdmin within the same computer can connect to
the Internal Logger Service.
External Logger Service
• Supports Microsoft SQL Server (see “Hardware Requirements” on
page 1 for versions supported)
• No retain/backup mechanism
• Any computer can connect to the server (TCP port 10027)
• Any number of MAXCS systems with different System IDs can
connect to the same Logger Service. If two MAXCS systems with the
same System ID try to connect to the same Logger Service, the second
Logger Service will get a “System ID conflicted” error.
• When ELS is installed within Microsoft SQL Server, the installation
program will create the database, ODBC configuration, and other
configuration by default. If it is installed to work with remote SQL, the
customer must manually configure the Logger Service first.
Logger Service Configuration
MaxAdmin can configure CDRLogDLL, add (register) and remove New
Logger Server for MAXCS remotely, but they cannot configure Logger