ER2120QI Evaluation Board User Guide
Test Recommendations
To guarantee measurement accuracy, the following precautions should be observed:
1. Make all input and output voltage measurements at the board using the test points
2. Measure input and output current with series ammeters or accurate shunt resistors. This is
especially important when measuring efficiency.
3. Use a low-loop-inductance scope probe tip similar to the one shown below to measure
switching signals and input / output ripple to avoid noise coupling into the probe ground
lead. Input ripple, output ripple, and load transient deviation are best measured near the
respective input / output capacitors. For more accurate ripple measurement, please see
Enpirion App Note regarding this subject.
4. The board includes a pull-up resistor for the POK signal and ready to monitor the power OK
status at clip lead marked POK.
Contact Information
Altera Corporation
101 Innovation Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: 408-544-7000
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