Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EN63A0QI PowerSoC
Enpirion EN63A0QI 12A DC/DC Converter
w/Integrated Inductor Evaluation Board
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Enpirion power products!
This user guide should be used together with the latest device datasheet.
The EN63A0QI features integrated inductor, power MOSFETS, controller,
bulk of the compensation network, and protection circuitry against system
faults. This level of integration delivers a substantial reduction in footprint
and part count over competing solutions. This evaluation board is
optimized for ease of use through programming options, clip leads, test
points, etc.
The EN63A0QI features a customer programmable output voltage by
means of a resistor divider. The resistor divider allows the user to set the
output voltage to any value within the range 0.6V to (V
). The
Dropout voltage is ~0.05*I
(see Figure 1). The evaluation board, as
shipped is populated with a single R
, and three possible R
resistors. The
resistors can be chosen by jumper settings to achieve several output
The EN63A0QI includes the bulk of the compensation network internally.
However, an external phase-lead (zero) capacitor and resistor is required
as part of the feedback. This network is shown in Figure 1. Appropriate
component values allow for optimum compensation for a given Input
voltage and choice of loop bandwidth. The equations in Figure 1 provide
the details to calculate the component values.
A footprint is provided for a SMC connector (not populated) for S_IN. A
clock source may be applied to S_IN to synchronize the device switching
frequency to the external source. Please see the datasheet for the
frequency lock frequency range. S_OUT will output a clock signal
synchronous with the switching frequency. S_OUT of one EN63A0QI may
be connected to S_IN of another EN63A0QI device.
Jumpers are provided for logical programming of the following signals:
Master/Slave ternary input (M/S)
Enable Pre-Bias Input (SEL)
Enable may also be controlled using an external switching source by
removing the jumper and applying the enable signal to the connector
middle pin and ground.
Jumpers are also provided for getting various output voltages.
The board comes with input decoupling and reverse polarity protection to
guard the device against common setup mishaps.
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