Power Evaluation Board User Guide
Power down the device. Move ENA into disable position. Connect the clock signal as
just indicated. The clock signal should be clean and have a frequency range specified in
the datasheet, and an amplitude 0 to 2.5 volts with a duty cycle between 20 and 80%.
With S_IN signal disabled, power up the device and move ENA jumper to Enabled
position. The device is now powered up and outputting the desired voltage. The device
is switching at its free running frequency. The switching waveform may be observed
between test points SW and GND. Now enabling the S_IN signal will automatically
phase lock the internal switching frequency to the externally applied frequency as long
as the external clock parameters are within the specified range. To observe phase-lock
connect oscilloscope probes to the input clock as well as to the SW test point. Phase
lock range can be determined by sweeping the external clock frequency up / down until
the device just goes out of lock at the two extremes of its range.
For spread spectrum operation the input clock frequency may be swept between two
frequencies that are within the lock range. The sweep (jitter) repetition rate should be
limited to 10 kHz. The radiated EMI spectrum may be now measured in various states –
free running, phase locked to a fixed frequency and spread spectrum.
Before measuring radiated EMI, place a 10uF/0805, X7R capacitor at the input and
output edges of the PCB (C8 and C9 positions), and connect the PVIN power and the
load to the board at or near these capacitors.
The added capacitor at the input edge is
for high-frequency decoupling of the input cables. The one added at the output edge is
meant to represent a typical load decoupling capacitor. We recommend doing EMI
testing in single-supply mode only as this will simplify the test setup.
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