DE1 User Manual
To read a byte of data from a random location, enter the address of the location and click on the
Read button. The rDATA box will display the data read back from the address specified.
The Sequential Write function is used to load a file into the Flash chip as follows:
Specify the starting address and the length of data (in bytes) to be written into the Flash
memory. You can click on the File Length checkbox to indicate that you want to load the
entire file.
Click on the Write a File to Flash button to activate the writing process.
When the Control Panel responds with the standard Windows dialog box asking for the
source file, specify the desired file in the usual manner.
The Sequential Read function is used to read the data stored in the Flash memory and write this data
into a file as follows:
Specify the starting address and the length of data (in bytes) to be read from the Flash
memory. You can click on the Entire Flash checkbox to indicate that you want to copy the
entire contents of the Flash memory into a specified file.
Click on the Load Flash Content to a File button to activate the reading process.
When the Control Panel responds with the standard Windows dialog box asking for the
destination file, specify the desired file in the usual manner.
Overall Structure of the DE1 Control Panel
The DE1 Control Panel facility communicates with a circuit that is instantiated in the Cyclone II
FPGA. This circuit is specified in Verilog code, which makes it possible for a knowledgeable user
to change the functionality of the Control Panel. The code is located inside the DE1_demonstrations
directory on the DE1 System CD-ROM.
To run the Control Panel, the user must first set it up as explained in Section 3.1. Figure 3.7 depicts
the structure of the Control Panel. Each input/output device is controlled by a controller instantiated
in the FPGA chip. The communication with the PC is done via the USB Blaster link. A Command
Controller circuit interprets the commands received from the PC and performs the appropriate
actions. The SDRAM, SRAM, and Flash Memory controllers have three user-selectable
asynchronous ports in addition to the Host port that provides a link with the Command Controller.
The connection between the VGA DAC Controller and the FPGA memory allows displaying of the
default image shown on the left side of the figure, which is stored in an M4K block in the Cyclone
II chip. The connection between the Audio DAC Controller and a lookup table in the FPGA is used
to produce a test audio signal of 1 kHz.