byko-drive S
285 025 845 E 2106
5.4 Service and Spare Parts
For all service and spare parts requirements, please contact your local BYK-
Gardner office. You can find your nearest service point in section “
5.5 Ordering Information
For the
byko-drive S
the following components can be ordered separately.
5.5.1 Basic Device
Catalog No.
Automatic film applicator
byko-drive S
with vacuum plate
Automatic film applicator
byko-drive S
with glass plate
5.5.2 Accessory Parts
Catalog No.
Power supply with adapters
Drip pan, small
Glass plate accessory (replaces vacuum plate)
Drying time accessory
Push-bar weight, 500 g / 1 lbs (one is included with device)
Push-bar weight, 1000 g / 2 lbs
Vacuum pump, 230 V (UK plug)
Vacuum plate accessory (replaces glass plate)
Vacuum pump, 230 V (Schuko plug)
Vacuum pump, 115 V