GEM80-500 Series Controller
6. Installation and Commissioning
GEM80-500 Technical Manual (T2025En)
Page 6-17
Use and Setting of the Mode Switch
A Switch, for selection of the mode of operation, is mounted on the front panel of the
GEM80-500 Controller (see Figure 1-1). The switch governs the controller’s mode of
operation when power has been applied. The Mode Switch is labelled with numbers 0
to 9 and can be adjusted with the use of a small flat bladed screwdriver.
Each of the Mode Switch positions is now described.
Mode Switch Position 0 - Normal (A)
When power is applied, the controller returns to the state prior to power removal e.g.
running from RAM, running from Flash EPROM, Halted etc.
If the RAM content has become corrupt during power down the controller will not enter
the RUNNING state.
With the switch in this position the user’s Flash EPROM memory is write
allowing storage of the user’s program, if required.
Mode Switch Position 1 - Normal (B)
When power is applied, the controller returns to the state prior to power removal e.g.
running from RAM, running from Flash EPROM, Halted etc.
If the RAM content has become corrupt during power down the controller examines the
content of the user’s Flash EPROM. If this contains a valid program the controller will
compile and run this program.
With the switch is this position the user’s Flash EPROM memory is write
preventing alteration of the user’s program.
Mode Switch Position 2 – HALT
Regardless of the state prior to power removal the controller will be in a HALTED state
when power is applied.
Mode Switch Position 3 – Clear Store New System
When power is applied, the controller will be halted with the contents of RAM memory
completely cleared of all program and data.
DO NOT alter the Mode Switch position when the controller is in a powered
state. Some positions will cause the controller to trip and the user’s
program may be erased.
DO NOT select this switch position unless a complete program and data
backup has been made.