9400016-J0 Rev D
4.3 Front Panel with a CXC HP Controller
The front panel includes the CXC HP controller and a pre-wired L-ADIO module.
The CXC HP family of products provide centralized setup, control and monitoring of power systems. This can range
from simple monitoring and threshold alarms for temperature, voltage and current, to advanced battery charging and
diagnostic features. The controller has a 4.3-inch, full color touch screen display.
The CXC HP provides dual Ethernet ports allowing for simultaneous network, LCD and local laptop access to the
controller including both web and SNMP interfaces.
The CXC HP supports dual CAN ports to allow up to 254 power and/or ADIO modules to be controlled and moni-
tored. The CXC HP uses external analog and digital input and output (ADIO) peripherals to monitor electrical signals
(temperature, voltage, temperature) and generate electrical signals through relays.
Detailed operation of the controller is provided in the CXC HP software manual.
The most commonly used ADIO peripheral is the L-ADIO for low voltage systems which includes:
• 8 digital inputs
• 4 voltage sensors
• 4 temperature sensors
• 4 current sensors
• 12 Form C relay outputs
Figure 6 — Front Panel w/ L-ADIO and CXC HP Controller
USB (rear)
USB (front)
Ethernet (front)
Status LEDs
LCD screen
Figure 7 — CXC HP Controller