Where Do I Go From Here?
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AM-6060 Computer Owner's Manual, Rev. 00
Office Information Products
Several office information products are available separately from your local Alpha Micro VAR. The
office information products series includes:
AlphaCALC, an electronic spreadsheet program that prepares "what if" financial models quickly
and easily.
AlphaWRITE, a word processing package that provides spelling checking, hyphenation, form
letter preparation, automatic outlining, and much more.
AlphaMAIL, an electronic mail system for sending and receiving messages and reminders
among multiple users and, when combined with AlphaTCP, over the Internet.
MULTI, a window-based environment manager, letting you use multiple programs on one
terminal at the same time, and providing a number of desk accessory features, including a phone
list, alarm clock, notepad, and others.
VersiCOMM, a versatile, general purpose communications system, capable of performing a
broad range of communication services.
VP Search allows you to search for files containing a key word or series of words. If you can't
remember the name assigned to a file or its location, all you need to know is one key word and
VP Search will find it.
See your VAR for more information on these and other Alpha Micro office information products.
Now that your computer is up and running, you are ready to start exploring the world of Alpha Micro.
Your guide to the new territory is the Alpha Micro software documentation. This section gives you an
idea of which documentation to consult for directions depending on the path you want to take.
Your computer is a member of the AMOS family of Alpha Micro computers, and the software
documentation that applies to other AMOS-based computers applies to yours, too.
You may purchase any book mentioned in this chapter separately; in addition, a multi-volume software
documentation library is available containing all the AMOS software books listed below. You can order
any of these books by calling your VAR. Most Alpha Micro documents are also available, free of charge,
in Adobe Acrobat format at our Web site, www.amos-online.com, and are distributed on CD to our
Here's an idea of what to look at next:
"I Want to Start at the Beginning"
If you have never used a computer before, we recommend you read the AMOS User's Guide. This book
is a practical introduction to the Alpha Micro computer, containing instructions for many of the
procedures you'll use every day. It expands on many of the topics discussed in Chapter 3.