Subject to change without notice | 83054200hUK – Translation into English of the original German operating manual | ait-deutschland GmbH
Insulating the hydraulic
Insulate the vibration decouplers and the outside pipes
of the heating circuit so that they are sealed against va-
por diffusion.
Insulate in accordance with applicable local
standards and directives.
Install the outside pipes of the heating circuit be-
neath the frost line.
Check seals of all hydraulic connections. Conduct
pressure test...
Insulate all connections and lines of the heat circuit
and the heat source.
Set the overflow valve
The activities in this section are only necessary
for in-line tank integration.
Complete the worksteps quickly, otherwise the
maximum return temperature can be exceeded
and the heat pump switches to high-pressure
Turn the adjusting knob at the overflow valve to
the right to increase the temperature difference
(the temperature drop), turn it to the left to re-
duce it.
System is running in heating mode (ideally in cold
In case of low heating curve: Set the system to
“Forced heating”…
Operating manual of the heating and heat pump
Shut off valves to the heating circuit…
Ensure that the total flow is routed via the overflow
Read out the flow and return temperature at the
heating and heat pump controller…
Operating manual of the heating and heat pump
Turn the adjusting knob (1) of the overflow valve (2)
until the temperature drop between the flow and
return temperature is set as follows:
External temperature Recommended settings
-10 °C
4 K
0 °C
5 K
10 °C
8 K
20 °C
9 K
30 °C
10 K
Open valves to heating circuit…
Reset the heating and heat pump controller.