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If your antenna isn’t tuning up properly, simply try moving it. Chances are, you 
have it in a position that is causing an odd SWR and the tuner doesn’t like it. 
If your antenna is giving unwanted TVI or RFI to other equipment in the house, 
you may also need to reposition the antenna. This is mostly the case for 
installations where the antenna is running parallel to ground. This creates a large 
reflection to ground, which tends to create interference in the shack and the 
house. To eliminate this issue, try installing as much of the antenna in a vertical 
configuration as you possibly can, still following the other rules for standards 
antenna installation presented here in this manual and in the ARRL Handbook. 
If you are running horizontally and you aren’t getting too much DX, try 
repositioning to a sloper or vertical. The horizontal positioning tends to give the 
antenna NVIS (Near Vertical Incidence Sky wave) characteristics, which is a 
radio-wave propagation method that provides usable signals in the range 
between ground wave and sky wave distances of 30 to 400 miles. 


Have Other Questions? 


If you have questions about your antenna, please feel free to contact us. 




Email: [email protected] 
Phone: 1





