Alpha Antenna 6‐160 J‐Pole Sr User Manual Download Page 4


Page 4 

Antenna Installation 


There are several basic methods to installing the antenna. The most common 
methods are Horizontal and Sloped, where the feed point or center of the 
antenna is tied to a pole or high object in order to get the radiator as high in the 
air as possible. The best rule of thumb is to get the entire antenna as high off the 
ground as possible for your situation.  
Since the antenna can be used in either permanent or temporary installations, 
finding a good place for the antenna is just a matter of examining your location. 
Try to keep the entire antenna away from metal objects, including metal siding of 
houses or metal poles, water pipes, rain gutters, etc. 
70% of the power radiated from the antenna is in the first 1/3 of the antenna 
where the coax attaches. It is important to affix the start point of then antenna to 
objects like trees, roofs, chimneys or string it up with a nonconductive cable 
(nylon rope) to get the start point as high off the ground as possible. The antenna 
will perform best when both ends are high off the ground. 
The Alpha 6-160 Sr antenna is designed to directly connect to your tuner or 
radio’s tuner with standard 50 ohm coax. To connect the antenna to your tuner, 
simply screw the PL

259 end of your coax into the Alpha 6-160 antenna and the 

other end into to your tuner or radio. This antenna is designed to be fed with 
unbalanced or balanced feed line. 

