Appendix C. Swirl X Flow Conditioner for Alnor
Model EBT731 Balometer
Capture Hood Optional
Accessory (P/N 801213)
The Swirl X Flow Conditioner significantly
reduces the negative effects turbulent airflows
have on the measurement accuracy of
pressure-based capture hoods. The Swirl X
Flow Conditioner creates a more uniform flow
pattern within the hood and is ideally suited for
Swirl or Twist-type supply air diffusers.
Swirl or Twist diffusers, their associated
ductwork and HVAC components are designed
to deliver a volume of air to the targeted space
with movement that entrains or mixes with the
room air and increases optimal temperature
uniformity and minimal sensible draft within the
so-called “occupied zone”.
Air flowing through Swirl or Twist type diffusers
has traditionally caused significant
measurement errors in capture hoods. This is
a remnant of the air flow pattern, which swirls
around the hood and emerges in a highly
uneven distribution across the sensing
manifold of a capture hood. Measurement
errors up to and exceeding 40% of flow can
unless a flow conditioner is used inside
the capture hood
Swirl X Flow
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