Electronic Balancing Tool EBT730/EBT731
Figure 16: Installing a Support Pole
4. Insert the second support pole into the pole mount on the opposite side of the base.
5. Repeat step 3 for the second support pole.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the remaining two support poles.
Four other hood sizes are available from TSI and can be purchased separately. Available hood sizes are
identified by the dimensions of the frame structure at the top of the hood and include 2 ft
4 ft (610 mm
1220 mm), 1 ft
4 ft (305 mm
1220 mm), 1 ft
5 ft (305 mm
1525 mm) and 3 ft
3 ft (915 mm
To change hood sizes, first remove the hood currently attached to the base. To remove the attached
hood, first unlatch the cinch belt where the fabric is attached to the base. Then remove the fabric from its
frame structure by pulling the shock cord out of the aluminum frame. Finally, fold up the fabric you just
removed so that it can fit into one of the accessory pockets inside the carrying case. It is a good idea to
fold the fabric so that the tag identifying its size remains visible for future reference.
Alternate Hood Installation
Refer to Figures 17 through 20 to determine the frame channels needed to assemble any of the standard
sized frames. Select the pieces required for the frame size desired and assemble with the aid of the
appropriate figure. Each channel is labeled with its number for easy identification. Several sections
(numbers 1, 3, and 4) consist of a straight channel portion (each a different length) and a corner piece.
This corner piece has an eyelet and slot arrangement which mates with a similar eyelet and slot at the
end of the straight portion of the channel pieces (see Figure 17). These pieces can be slid together and
are self locking by means of a retention spring. The arrangement forms a rugged frame which is
additionally strengthened when the hood is attached.
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