Step 6: Attach Front Panels
Locate the front panels noting which one is labeled for right and left. To install, push each one flush against its corresponding side panel and
secure them using the 5x50 fasteners through the predrilled holes. (Images 33 & 34)
Step 7: Install Ceiling Panel
7a. Lay ceiling panel on top of the sauna (Image 35), orienting it so the power box is facing up and located at the back of the sauna. Feed all
existing wires through the corresponding holes on the ceiling panel (Image 36) and connect speaker, fan, and LED wires (Image 37) Now connect
the main power (Image 38) and the heater plugs (Image 39).
Note: The V1000 model has 5 heater plugs while the V2000 model has 6 heater plugs.
7b. Attach the ceiling to the walls using the 5x70 fasteners with washers through the pre-drilled holes (Image 40). Install the header to the ceiling
panel using two 5x50 fasteners through the pre-drilled holes (Images 41 & 42).
7c. Position the dust panel over top of the ceiling, being sure all wiring is underneath the panel with the exception of the radio antenna, laying it
on top of the dust panel (Image 43). Fasten to the ceiling panel with the dust panel screws (Image 44).
Image 33
Image 34
Image 35
Image 36 Image 37
Image 38
Image 39
Image 40
Image 41
Image 42
Image 43
Image 44
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