KEENAN MechFiber 250 and
280 Operator’s Manual
Revision C01, 04
Dec 2019
5 Safety
The KEENAN MechFiber mixer wagon has many safety features built into its design, but
ultimately, safe operation requires the vigilance of the operator and an understanding of
potential safety hazards. The machine is designed to be used as a mixer/chopper wagon for
mixing animal feeds. It should not be used for any other purpose which will affect its
performance or safety.
Figure 2: KEENAN Machine Rear View
The following safety points are general guidelines. Given the wide variety of possible operating
conditions, other safety risks may exist which are not captured in the list over.
Always park the mixer wagon on level ground and apply the handbrake when not in use.
Do not exceed 15 km/h (10 mph) when in use/transit. Local road traffic laws will apply
when the machine is in transit on public roads, on which the maximum permissible
speed is 25 km/h. Exceeding this will compromise the life and safety of major
components such as the hitch, axle, wheels and chassis.
Ensure the VFC-door is closed and all feed-out trays/elevators are in the closed and
transport position prior to use on the public road.